Saturday, July 18, 2009



I'm pissed. I lost my super-cool shades (that I found on a bench in the park) and now I must ask Satan to bring unto me the gnomes responsible for thieving. My shades will be returned and the perpetrators' souls will be vanquished to oblivion.

(What? No, ma, I'm just kidding. OK...I'll make a peace sign next....or an anarchy symbol)

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Monday, July 13, 2009

Cave Paintings

A solo show by Elliot Sperber exhibits numerous acrylic paintings of the artist.




Some samples of his work:

E & P detail
detail of E & P, acrylic on canvas, 2008

Awa detal
detail of Awa, acrylic on canvas, 2008

chashama has a gallery in Harlem at 2016 Adam Clayton Powell Blvd. (7th Ave.)

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