Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Heightened Loaf

I’ve been eating less. I can only stomach so much before I begin to feel nausea. Sometimes I do not eat until 5 PM, at which point a tin of kippers or an avocado will do the trick. I’ve made the mistake of drinking much coffee on an empty stomach after a night of heavy drinking; a reflexive purge is ordinarily imminent. If I should smoke a cigarette I would complete the reflex and vomit profusely. Why should I bestow such a purge on myself?

There has been a lot of vomiting about me lately, in one form or another. Is society trying to administer ipecac to its members? It might just be the beginning of flu season, winter right on our heels. (Or should I say, noses) The winter, the cold and wind, do such things usher in the beginning of the season to be sick? It might have much to do with the food we eat during the winter. The quality of much of our produce diminishes during this season. While meat can usually be obtained clean and fresh (if you know your mongers, and do not trust the meat council) produce becomes empty, loses substantiality and tastes more like cardboard. This emptiness in your stomach leads to nausea? Not if you eat more heavy grains or meat, at least I’ve found.

Winter could very well be the best time for meat consumption; meat and potatoes put fat on the bones. Considering the adoption of a lighter diet when it’s warmer, Mediterranean diets are lighter than, say, Northern and Eastern European diets. These varying cultures and their respective diets reflect the climate. In a temperate zone with extremes, people should adapt the types of foodstuffs consumed based on the seasonal changes. However, with many “ethnic” foods around us, it’s difficult not to fall back on our own personal favorites, which might not be the best for us in terms of preventing illness. Should we call upon dietary practices from varying cultures based on the changing seasons? We should invoke the Food God to cure us of our maladies.



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