Thursday, November 09, 2006

ended dissonance, harken cacophony

Sun shined down. the rain stayed (sun showers conjur memories of dumpsters and chainlink fences, red hair, things not seen to fruition) lingered indefinitely.

elections. it seems like the cycle would never be met. of course it would be met. remember when carter was lambasted? then they had a movie star from california elected. now the rich son of capitalist gentry is finaly looked down upon and everyone thinks it is a political miracle. (miracle in the sense of this overriding theme of flight from a foreign land. it is still being played out with or without the instigators) it was humbling to see john hall and howard dean on the colbert report, though. and when hall and colbert sang the national anthem, it did bring an unexpected smile to my face, perhaps a subtle curtain call on the divine-comedy of american politics. mid-term reams with raucous changes, but i think back to the Mets. a brilliant catch reneges a homerun; then came the let down.



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